Can’t make it to the gym? JOIN US ONLINE!

All active memberships include unlimited access to zoom classes, streamed LIVE from our gyms.

We also offer ONLINE ONLY MEMBERSHIPS for just $25/month!  Non-members, or members on freeze can take advantage of this great way to stay connected and stay in shape with all your friends at PCB.

CLICK HERE to signup for an online-only membership now.

Prior to attending your first online class,  call, email, or login here to activate your PCB portal.

Once you have activated your portal, you can register for a class,  view class details and zoom login info, cancel your class registration, or view your upcoming schedule all from Your PCB portal, OR   just pick a spot  from the calendar below for a quick registration. 

Classes from prior week will also be archived and available for on-demand viewing anytime you want a workout!